
Palliative care, as defined by the World Health Organization, “improves the quality of life of patients and that of their families who are facing challenges associated with life-threatening illness, whether physical, psychological, social or spiritual. The quality of […]


How many ways do we have to describe “pain”? How many to indicate the sorrow for losing someone important? To face the death of a beloved person is such a complex, holistic and potentially totalizing experience that it […]


Reminiscent of the concept of time in St. Augustine, our body is a part excluded from our conscience, at least until an unusual sensation, discomfort or pain call us to attention. This is because we do not “have” […]


Death Education (DeEd) is a form of reflection about life and death. DeEd has always been practiced by mankind over the course of history (Fonseca & Testoni, 2012). For centuries, this form of education had been of an […]


Creative arts therapies are forms of psychotherapy that involve the employment of the arts with the aim of bringing change and growth (Pratt & Wood, 2015). Arts therapies require the involvement of three major parties, that is a […]


Narrative Based Medicine (NBM) is a medical approach based on a new paradigm, aiming at integration with Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) (Zaharias, 2018). In this perspective, the normal importance attributed to signs and symptoms goes along with patient’s own […]


Enactivism arose in opposition to the internalist and computational models of the mind, that attempted to reduce experience to mechanisms or representations in the brain (Kiverstein & Rietveld, 2018). According to a more traditionalist cognitive view, the mind […]


Dignity Therapy Dignity Therapy is a unique, individualized, brief psychotherapy, developed by Canadian Psychiatrist Harvey Max Chochinov. Its purpose is to restore dignity in both patients and their families living with life threatening or life limiting illness, by […]